Sunday, October 24, 2010

My First Halloween Party

Friday morning Lauren went to her very first Halloween Party at daycare. She and her good friends got all dressed up for a wonderful day filled with a Halloween pancake breakfast, crafts and trick or treating.

Although she was side-lined this year, we can't will until next year when our baby tiger can get out of her car seat and enjoy the festivities.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Viva Las Vegas - Mom's First Getaway

They say the first full night away from your baby is the hardest so I decided to go ahead and get it over with by heading to Las Vegas for a quick "Girls Weekend" with my Mother and sister. Although I knew I would miss Lauren terribly, how could I possibly pass up a weekend with my favorite ladies?

Bryon was more than willing to let me go, so I'm guessing he was either looking forward to spending time alone with his daughter, or perhaps he just thought I'd come home from Vegas with some big winnings.

Although we didn't win any money, we had three blissful days of bonding, shopping, eating and laughing until our cheeks hurt. Three days, two nights, one show, one night club, and a pair of fabulous shoes later, I headed home to baby girl.

Girls Night Out!

Accessories anyone?

Jerris got the shoes...

Mom and I got an empty bag

Can you see how much Lauren missed her Mom while she was away? Me neither...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The best and worst...

While the parents seem to be lacking in posting timely blog updates, we never seem to run out of fabulous pictures of Baby Lauren. Here are some various photos of her best (and worst) photo opps this past month!

Wink. Wink. How can you resist me?

Sporting my bunny slippers (and my growing knees)

Baby loves her pink bath...

But baby does NOT love the arrival of winter clothing!

My parents are relentless. And its not even Halloween yet.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On September 23 (also Grandpa's birthday) Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Jerry came from Washington DC to visit Baby Lauren. What a fun-filled vacation the three of them had while Mommy and Daddy headed off to work.

For Grandpa's birthday, we gave him an adorable new grand-daughter complete with an "I Love Grandpa" T-shirt...

Grandpa was smitten within minutes and spent the next 10 days making sure Lauren was happy, healthy and well-fed!

Grandma and Grandpa took Lauren shopping (note her first purse, cell phone, and "shopping appropriate" bunny slippers - great for cruising the mall)

Grandma Kathy also took Lauren to her first sewing store. Seeing as Lauren's Mom can't sew its good to start them early!

Then on Saturday, we tried to take Lauren to her first pumpkin patch. Unfortunately it was so crowded that we decided to try another day. Can you see Lauren's disappointment??

After a great week of playing, shopping, taking long walks, and just being together, it was time for Grandma and Grandpa to go home. Thank you both for a great visit. "Princess Bug-a-boo" misses you!