Monday, September 27, 2010

Hey Ya'll...I'm Three Months Old!

The fine state of Texas is famous for the Texas Longhorns, John F. Kennedy's assassination, chili, the Alamo, J.R. Ewing, and just three short months ago for being the birth place of Ms. Lauren Thomas.

That's right folks...I'm three months old and proud of my Texas roots!

So on Sunday, I put on my pink western dress (complete with cows, horses, and spurs) and celebrated with with my pseudo Aunt Rachel (also a fellow Texan), and an integral part in bringing our family together through adoption. I am happy, healthy, loved and growing. Yee haw!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

What we've learned...

As Lauren quickly approaches her first 12 weeks, Bryon and I thought we'd reflect on what we have learned as new parents. I suspect that many of you already knew all these things, but perhaps failed to tell us???

#1 - The minute you post on your blog that your baby is now sleeping 7-8 consecutive hours, she will undoubtedly go back to sleeping only 3.
#2 - The baby hair does indeed fall out despite your efforts to keep your baby from pulling on it, laying down too much, and using the utmost of care when putting clothes over her head.
#3 - You can get A LOT of stuff done when forced to wake up at 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning.
#4 - Those annoying songs that play on your baby's swing, play mat or bouncy seat will stay with you forever. And ever. And ever.
#5 - It's okay for two grown adults to fear their 11 pound baby's witching hour (and to have a glass of wine nearby for support).
#6 - A Saturday night out REALLY DOES entail a stroller ride around the subdivision.
#7 - The toys that you buy to calm your baby will undoubtedly have the adverse effect.
#8 - Family is a welcome site. It means good food, good company, and an extra person to handle those late night feedings.
#9 - A ponytail holder really is a new Mom's best friend.
#10 - There is nothing better than a little girl's smile...

Fun with Grandma Susie

Fish Face

Sporting my new cat shirt

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"They grow up so fast"

For the past 10 weeks everyone has been telling us to cherish every moment with Lauren as "they grow up so fast". I'm pretty sure Bryon and I never understood that until just this week.

In the past 72 hours she has increased her feedings by over 2 ounces, slept for almost 8 consecutive hours, and officially rolled (out and over) the sleep positioner in her bed. Say it ain't so!

Oh, and look how she's perfecting that SMILE.

Better get the toddler clothes ready. Baby is growing up!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

On Saturday, the KU football team knocked off #15 Georgia Tech. Bring on the football and ROCK CHALKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Grandparents

Over the past week, Lauren has been lucky to have many of her grandparents come to Kansas City to meet her. First, Grandma Keren and Grandpa Jim arrived from Tucson for a week.

On Friday, Grandma Susie also came to stay so Saturday morning, Lauren woke up to 3 grandparents in the house all waiting to shower her with love.

This week we also took Lauren to her Two-Month doctor's appointment to get her first shots. You can imagine how well received that was!

On Saturday, Grandpa Bob arrived from Phoenix. He introduced Lauren to her first Shopping trip at the Kansas City Plaza, and hopes she will one day come to Phoenix and take up golf. LOL.

On Tuesday, my maternity leave came to an end and it was time to go back to work. I held back my tears knowing that our lives were about to change. There would be no more drinking coffee (and formula) in bed while watching the "Today Show", no more afternoon naps or weekday trips to the mall for pedicures. Can you tell by the picture below that Lauren was clearly as sad as her Mother was???? ha!