Sunday, January 29, 2012

Monet in the making?

Winter time in the Midwest means finding creative "indoor" activities for baby girl. So out came the Blueberry, Chocolate and Lemon pudding for an intensive session of finger painting.

Like any good artist, Lauren decided to taste-test her art supplies prior to beginning her masterpiece.


Don't you dare take my paints away Daddy.

By the end of her session, Lauren was covered with pudding from head to toe. Clearly she disagreed with the need to take a bath.

Our future "Monet" is so proud of her accomplishments. A fun day for sure.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Has anyone seen my camera? Part 2

We found the camera, hid the Desitin and have yet to make any headway in controlling baby girl. Lauren is officially 18 months and 20.5 pounds of crazy fun! Attached are pictures of an average day around the Thomas house.

Desitin for chapped lips anyone?

Or perhaps you'd like a couple sheets of toilet paper?

Helping with the laundry...Clearly Mom and Dad forgot the Bounce Sheet.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Has anyone seen my camera?

Many of you have asked why we've been so slow to get blog posts up lately. And many of you are wondering what's new with our little Lauren?

Well let us tell you...

Lauren is now 18 months, has started exhibiting full-on toddler behavior, and her parents have officially lost ALL control.

Current activities include:
- Screeching at the top of her lungs when she doesn't get exactly what she wants
- Wanting to do EVERYTHING by herself
- Saying "No No No" while shaking her finger at you
- Refusing to eat food in the event she might miss some new opportunity
- LITERALLY attaching herself to her Mother's hip so that even a ten minute shower is too long for baby girl to be seperated from her Mama
- Pole-vaulting off of our furniture with no regard to the hard-surfaced landing
- Refusing to watch any part of Sesame Street that doesn't include "Elmo"
- Standing up vs. sitting in the bath tub (umm...that's called a shower Lauren)
- And not wanting her diaper changed to the point that we'd potty train her today if we could

On Sunday alone, she covered her lips with Desitin diaper rash creme, ate Girl Scout cookies and Opus's cat food for her meal plan, hid our camera (hence no pictures), and refused to wear clothing despite the cool temps outside.

So here is your post everyone.

She is still the love of our lives, and as soon as we find our camera, hide the Desitin, and regain any sense of control we will post another update. Touche!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ho! Ho! Ho! or not?

The Thomas family has just enjoyed a wonderful month of celebrating the Christmas holiday. So much so, that we are very behind on our blog posts.

So here we go...remembering December in January.

In mid-December, Lauren got to attend her first holiday party with a real, live Santa. The jury is out on how much of the "Ho Ho Ho" Lauren actually enjoyed.

Lauren pondering why this big man in a red suit is crashing our party?

Back off sister, this toy is mine.

Dear Santa: Thanks for the gift but YOU I can do without.