Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013


If Lauren could write, I know that she would want to wish the BEST Dad in the world, the happiest of days.

You have overwhelmed us all with your patience, love and commitment to being a Father and a friend to our little girl.  Lauren adores her "Daddy" in every way, and over the last three years you have shown yourself to be all of the things that a Father should be.

Thank you for sharing this journey with us and for loving us like you do.

Happy Father's Day!

Lauren and Sydney

Monday, June 3, 2013

First Day at Preschool

It's here!  The official start day of Lauren's 19+ year public education.

Although we've had a wonderful experience at her in-home daycare it's time for baby girl to learn boundaries, a schedule, how to share, how to potty and how to pick-up.  Oh!  And a few new phrases in Spanish won't hurt either.

Sending a toddler to preschool today is much like sending them off to college.  Required items include:  Two sets of sheets for nap time, a pillow, a teddy bear, two sets of play clothes, diapers, wipes, a water bottle, sunscreen, diaper cream, swimsuit, a towel, water shoes, tennis shoes, and every other kind of shoe that you can think of.  Top if off with a new "owl" backpack (this one's for you Aunt Coni), and we were set to go.

Lauren had a great first day. There were no tears at drop-off (for Lauren or her Mom). She enjoyed playing on the slide, made one new friend, and had fun mixing colors to create the color purple.  According to her new teacher Lauren ate, used the potty, picked up her toys and took a 1.5 hour nap (although I'm not sure I believe it).  Then we were off to McDonald's to celebrate with ice cream.

This is the beginning of a new adventure.  We are so proud of you Lauren!

The deep thinker

"Look Dad.  A Rolly-Pollie for breakfast"

 The backpack weighs half as much as Lauren

Entering the doors to higher education

Success is spelled "I-C-E C-R-E-A-M"