Monday, September 20, 2010

What we've learned...

As Lauren quickly approaches her first 12 weeks, Bryon and I thought we'd reflect on what we have learned as new parents. I suspect that many of you already knew all these things, but perhaps failed to tell us???

#1 - The minute you post on your blog that your baby is now sleeping 7-8 consecutive hours, she will undoubtedly go back to sleeping only 3.
#2 - The baby hair does indeed fall out despite your efforts to keep your baby from pulling on it, laying down too much, and using the utmost of care when putting clothes over her head.
#3 - You can get A LOT of stuff done when forced to wake up at 6 a.m. on a Sunday morning.
#4 - Those annoying songs that play on your baby's swing, play mat or bouncy seat will stay with you forever. And ever. And ever.
#5 - It's okay for two grown adults to fear their 11 pound baby's witching hour (and to have a glass of wine nearby for support).
#6 - A Saturday night out REALLY DOES entail a stroller ride around the subdivision.
#7 - The toys that you buy to calm your baby will undoubtedly have the adverse effect.
#8 - Family is a welcome site. It means good food, good company, and an extra person to handle those late night feedings.
#9 - A ponytail holder really is a new Mom's best friend.
#10 - There is nothing better than a little girl's smile...

Fun with Grandma Susie

Fish Face

Sporting my new cat shirt


  1. you are too funny.... and your words are very true!

  2. That smile is wonderful! It matches her beautiful eyes! Love to Lulu! Great Aunt Coni
