Tuesday, July 5, 2011

One Year Old!

Pull out the fireworks, light the candles and let's celebrate! Lauren is one year old!

The morning of July 3 our family woke up so thankful for the birth of our baby girl and ready to celebrate her first birthday. What better way to party than to spend a fun day at home and then head back to the Italian restaurant where it all began on July 3, 2010.

First you have to put on your new "birthday suit" and party hat.

Remember it's polite to read the card before opening your gift.

Then dig in! The sooner you open your presents the sooner you can play with them.

Time to put on my party dress. Is the bow too much?

Cupcakes anyone?

On July 3, 2010, Sydney and Bryon were in this exact restaurant when they got the call that their baby girl was about to be born. Fast forward one year and now our family is officially one year old!

Eat blue cake and be merry!

Thank you to everyone who has celebrated our new family and watched us grow this past year. We look forward to continuing to share our story. Happy Birthday Lauren!

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