Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Home Again, Home Again

Once our vacation of a lifetime ended, it was time to get home to baby girl and rescue Grandma Kathy and Pop Pop from their 10 days of boot-camp (aka: baby-sitting).  It was TOUGH to come home!  But what a blessing to know that Lauren was safe, happy and didn't miss her parents one bit.

Bryon and I barely have time to get our laundry done, but the Grandparents managed to create artwork, help Lauren write a book, cook three months of food to put in our freezer, take the cat to the vet, get Lauren to daycare, work a full-time job, and go to Wal-Mart three times in one day.  And that was just on Saturday (ha!)  

Thank you to Grandma Kathy, Pop Pop Jerry, and Grandma Susie for being with L.  And thank you to everyone else who offered to watch her if needed. So loved and so thankful for such a wonderful vacation.

Our Welcome Home Sign..

Our Welcome Home Book...

1 comment:

  1. You know she was asking about you every day! How appropriate that Dora made it into your book. Precious!
