Friday, July 6, 2012

Bye Bye "Me Me"

As most of you know Lauren has long held a long and fond relationship with her "Me Me".  The Me Me is also known as a pacifier, binkey, or straight out addiction to sucking on a piece of plastic for soothing purposes.

How the Me Me got its name is still a mystery, but as Lauren approached her second birthday, we decided it was time for Me Me to hit the road (or in this case the friendly skies).

So last Sunday, we purchased three perfect red, white and blue balloons in order to send Me Me off to the heavens in patriotic style.  We told Lauren that she was a big girl now and there were babies up in Me Me heaven that needed them more than her.

One balloon popped on the car ride home, one ended up in the grocery store rafters, but the third balloon did the job.  Just two sleepless nights later we are free of Me Me and on to new toddler adventures.  Relief!

How it breaks my heart to leave you dear friend

Are you sure we have to do this people?

Ready, Set...

Wait!  I've changed my mind

Good-bye long lost friend

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! It's so much easier when they're a little bit older and can understand that "baby needs it more than you thing"
