Friday, July 9, 2010

Ready or Not - Here We Come!

Great news! Gladney just called and we are free to leave the state with Baby Lauren. Like everything else this past week, this is huge (and welcome) surprise and we are thrilled to get to come home way earlier than expected.

We plan to head out this afternoon and hope to be home late tonight or some time tomorrow.

Wish us luck...road-tripping is about to take on a whole new meaning!!!


  1. That's such great news! Call if you need anything! Opus will be so excited to meet Lauren!

  2. Oh this is SO great!! I will miss you Lauren!! I am so thankful to have met you and spend some 'quality' time with mommy and daddy. I love you all, and wish safe, smooth ride HOME. Love, Aunt Becky

  3. Congratulations. She is beautiful! But you know that. I look forward to reading and seeing more.
    - Pam Messier

  4. Prayers have been answered;God is so good. Lauren is so blessed to have you as parents. Take care. Savor the journey.

    Glenda and Jerry Carden (Shelley's parents)
